Connect with poets, share ideas, and stay motivated on the path from writing to publishing.

The Poets Circle is a private group led by Radha that meets for conversations on poetry writing and publishing. Twice monthly on Wednesdays via Zoom:

Lunch & Learns 12:00-1:00 pm MT: What can you do to make submissions to stand out? What are poetry publishers looking for? Are contests really worth submitting to? Get practical publishing advice.

Community Forums 6:00-7:30 pm MT: Gain confidence in the direction of your work. Each community forum meeting includes a themed discussion on how to navigate writing and publishing—the topics that aren’t normally covered in workshops! Share successes and challenges. Plus, members can submit a submission draft for top-level feedback. Get tips on where to focus to make your submission stand out with publishers. Learn to read your work like an editor.

Join today at $15/month and you will have access to The Poets Circle at this price indefinitely.